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layoffs across the dct space

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anyone hearing about widespread layoffs across some of the higher profile dct companies? seems weird.


Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"

Which companies?

The tech sector in general as far as "software" companies has had a pretty significant pullback in the market so I am not surprised to see it trickle in. 


No I didn't hear that... which companies?


Lightship had layoffs in April. Science 37 did as well. 

Quote from Guest on June 9, 2022, 1:03 am

Lightship had layoffs in April. Science 37 did as well. 

I had heard about Science 37 and another, yet unnamed, company. As much as I like to stir the pot, I'm not terribly connected to that side of the industry and don't want to speculate too much.

More generally, I have to imagine many of these companies are being propped up by VC and aren't bringing in that much revenue. With the market as it is, I would be willing to wager we'll see more turbulence. 

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"

it looks like Curebase is the latest DCT vendor to conduct lay offs (18% of their workforce). Their glassdoor reviews are pretty shocking after the fact (expect some to be biased especially after a layoff, but some concerning things about the leadership's cavalier attitude towards quality). anybody have any experience with them?

Seems like there's a trend for these DCT companies to employ leaders who are not experienced in clinical research to these positions. Seems like the answer is obvious as to why bigger pharma companies are becoming increasingly hesitant to partner with these companies as it's becoming more obvious that they're mostly smoke and mirrors. 


Saw this for a pharmacovigiliance (sp?) company too and a bunch of people looking for work. Not necessarily related to this, but I see a lot of push from large companies pushing best practices for sites to resolve their staffing issues by using outsourced staffing. I've gotten info from a few of these companies, and generally it seems like hire people with literally no experience, and spend a month training them to provide remote coordinator support and the like and then charge the site a ridiculous amount of overhead for the staffing and sites are paying for temp staff that need an enormous amount of oversight and guidance. How is this helpful?

Quote from Guest on October 18, 2022, 10:46 pm

Saw this for a pharmacovigiliance (sp?) company too and a bunch of people looking for work. Not necessarily related to this, but I see a lot of push from large companies pushing best practices for sites to resolve their staffing issues by using outsourced staffing. I've gotten info from a few of these companies, and generally it seems like hire people with literally no experience, and spend a month training them to provide remote coordinator support and the like and then charge the site a ridiculous amount of overhead for the staffing and sites are paying for temp staff that need an enormous amount of oversight and guidance. How is this helpful?

i really believe we're going to see a lot of these companies fail since the point you noted is starting to be realized by companies who contract with them - that their commercial teams know how to sell a grand story about their capabilities...but the truth is that they don't have the talent or resources to execute these studies. I really believe that by next year, you're going to see a lot of the notable names in DCT shut down because they are 1) unable to execute on complex studies and 2) don't have the right infrastructure to deliver a robust platform 


Science 37 cut around 140 people today...around 20% of workforce. 

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