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Forum breadcrumbs - You are here:ForumTopics: Sponors/CROsBioHaven



Anyone working on any of their studies? Would love to connect and discuss.

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"

Their OCD study has incredibly difficult i/e criteria and is a money loser.  https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT04641143

I guess they don't see a point in designing a recruitable phase 3 trial (or spending big to make it still work) for a drug that failed phase 2.  https://www.spglobal.com/marketintelligence/en/news-insights/blog/banking-essentials-april-13-2022


We're working on a migraine study but it's been a real mess.

Have had a great experience with them before but this time around is really terrible.

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"

We've just started a migraine study with them. What problems are you having? I'm the backup coordinator, but I can pass along information.

Quote from Guest on May 10, 2022, 1:06 pm

We've just started a migraine study with them. What problems are you having? I'm the backup coordinator, but I can pass along information.

They added an open label extension to the study we are on about 5 months ago.

They still don't have any updated lab kits for the visits.

They only just now finished the budget amendment so we have not been paid for any of the open label visits we have done.

It's also just a more challenging protocol than it appears so it's been a real grind to get good subjects.

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"

I will let the CRC know about the lab kit issue. Thanks for the heads up.


Pfizer just bought Biohaven for 11.6 billion so maybe you can ask for a budget adjustment for the challenging protocol.

Quote from Guest on May 10, 2022, 9:15 pm

Pfizer just bought Biohaven for 11.6 billion so maybe you can ask for a budget adjustment for the challenging protocol.

I ju$t $aw that. 🤔

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"