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Complex procedure billing / budgeting


Hello, I would love to know your site best practices for how to budget for complex procedures to adequately cover your costs. For context, I receive coding and pricing from our central research team that usually over simplifies the actual costs generated by the hospital during the procedure itself. My site is a large academic medical center, so my team doesn't have control over the clinical service items that are generated, but we find we are often stuck with much of the bill after complex procedures (cardiology/vascular interventional trials) that our pre-award billing teams don't capture well and we negotiate budgets before the work begins.  If the procedure is standard of care, then this isn't an issue, but when we have a Sponsor paying for the procedure, we have to negotiate those costs up front and this really puts the burden on the study site. How do you approach your budget and contract o best cover your costs, and how do you address these complex billing challenges in the consent form?