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How much are recruitment firms paid?


Anyone have any insider knowledge on how much the participant recruitment firms are paid per randomization?  Either in a given trial or for a particular indication?


I know in oncology is goes quite high. Supposedly 10k/patient is a benchmark. I have a hard time wrapping my head around it. 


It's totally dependent on the milestone (per lead, per ICF, per randomization), the type of study, the TA, the burden of the study from the patient perspective, and how competitive the trial landscape is for that disease state.

In general

Per lead: $50-$400

Per ICF: $1k-$10k

Per Randomization: $5k-50k

This assumes the recruitment company is operating on a milestone structure, which isn't always the case. Many will operate using an "ads plus" model where they charge a percentage on all ad spend to achieve their margin, others will charge a flat rate per month with target expectations but nothing really on the line. 

Hope that helps. 


Agree with @steve-wimmer but would expand the cost-per-lead ranges as some firms ad call validation (ie doing the operational lift of making initial contact for sites with small teams) and/or some call pre-qualification (ie simple clinical survey questions) so expand from $50 to upwards of $1,000.