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Forum breadcrumbs - You are here:ForumTopics: Budgets/Contractsswags



Anyone else getting absolutely infuriated by all of the swag CRO/Sponsors readily give their staff for a job well done on a study while also telling Sites our budget is too high? If I see one more personally inscribed glass paper weight or picnic wine kit posting online, I'm going to take a photo of that dumb paperweight and send it to the next person who tells me my budget is above FML.  Please take your paperweight money and help me to pay my hardworking and essential site staff fair wages so I can retain them so I can make sure your team can get told you did a good job. End of rant. 


Ha. I made a LinkedIn post about this recently. It's absolutely ridiculous and wasteful as hell. 

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"