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Forum breadcrumbs - You are here:ForumTopics: Sponors/CROsTrialSpark



Curious if anyone has experience being part of their site network. It is hard to learn whether all the claims they make are real or not.

Quote from Guest on May 6, 2022, 3:23 pm

Curious if anyone has experience being part of their site network. It is hard to learn whether all the claims they make are real or not.

Don't know much about them honestly. Hopefully someone can chime in.

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"

Trialspark path to success

step 1. Become a pure recruitment firm that specializes in A/B testing google and fb ads

step 2. Fail at step 1

step 3. Get loads of funding, pivot to identifying doctors offices in a few states, place a coordinator in those offices, convince pharma to let you run entire studies at a much higher rate than typical sites charge

step 4. Fail at step 3

step 5. Fire most of your employees

step 6. Pivot to being a drug company

step 7.  Create a site network?!?

Step 8. Profit

Quote from Guest on May 8, 2022, 6:39 pm

Trialspark path to success

step 1. Become a pure recruitment firm that specializes in A/B testing google and fb ads

step 2. Fail at step 1

step 3. Get loads of funding, pivot to identifying doctors offices in a few states, place a coordinator in those offices, convince pharma to let you run entire studies at a much higher rate than typical sites charge

step 4. Fail at step 3

step 5. Fire most of your employees

step 6. Pivot to being a drug company

step 7.  Create a site network?!?

Step 8. Profit

Yeah it's hard to tell what they do from their website so that's interesting. A lot of these companies use a bunch of fancy copy on their website but I have no damn clue what they actually are trying to say.

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"

Proof that in clinical trial tech it is possible to raise xxxM USD based on Powerpoint.   To be honest, the most dangerous step to take for a tech company is to actually deliver a software product.   At this time, a software based company can be assessed.  Before then, the investment is based on a vision.   Trialspark follows this trend for investment based on a concept vision that is cannot be reasonably assessed on any tangible measure. 

This is how it goes...

Founder / CEO.  :-    "We believe we can carry out a clinical trial in a fraction of the time for a fraction of the money at twice the quality!" 

Sponsor                :-    Great - how do you do that!?!

Founder / CEO   :-  "Not sure yet, we are still working on it"...