Welcome to Clinical Trial Confidential.

We believe the clinical trial industry lacks a platform for open, transparent conversation. This lack of transparency inhibits progress. In this industry, that means patients are the ones that suffer.

Here you can choose to register an account, post anonymously or both. It is our hope that the ability to post anonymously will help foster useful conversation by allowing users to express their opinions without fear of retaliation, fear of appearing ignorant and otherwise allowing users to express opinions that may be contrary to their employer or that their position may not permit.

We believe great ideas should stand on their own merit and not the credentials of their author.

We hope these values will foster an environment of collaboration.

Welcome to Clinical Trial Confidential!


Please feel free to register an account or simply post as a guest (anonymously, or both.

My hope is to create a community where everyone can feel free to contribute their thoughts and experiences without concern that it may hurt their career or reputation. 

I plan to enforce very few rules. Be civil. Don't spam. 

The information contained in this site is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed as legal or financial advice on any subject matter.

You should not act or refrain from acting on the basis of any content included in this site without seeking legal or other professional advice.

You can contact me at any time at brad@clinicaltrialconfidential.com for questions or comments! Thanks.

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"