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Would you refer a patient to a clinical trial at another site?


Hi all,

Clinical trials struggles big with patients recruitement. Admittidly, sometimes standard of care is good enough. Other times, clinical trials are really the better option. 

I see great clinical trials struggeling with patients recruitment and I wonder, why?

Do sites check if there are any trials that might be an option for the patient?

What makes sites resist referring a patient to another site? and what would change it?


wondering how we make everyone win the CT game.


I just referred a patient to another site the other day. We should be thinking about whats best for the patient and not be thinking about they are just a number to boost enrollment.


I've referred patients to other research sites if they have studies that we don't and it could help them. I'm willing to bet this isn't the norm. Setting up a decent referral network and maintaining it is a lot more challenging than people think. 

Hightower Clinical / Note to File Podcast / Existential Dilettante / "Specialization is for insects"

I have to give a typical BD answer here to reflect on my experience, observations and beliefs - It depends. 😜 If a site is a 100% dedicated research site and not operating within a medical practice or hospital environment, there is no harm at all to refer a patient to another site. In the interest of research it should be our mission to provide access for those interested and qualified whenever we have the opportunity.
Well, in case research is integrated in a medical practice or hospital- that is a different situation. Let's address the elephant in the room: not referring a patient is mainly based on fearing to lose this patient to a different provider. We all know that there is more time spend with the patient in a research set up. And who wouldn't be thrilled as patient being in the focus of attention without feeling the provider rushes through the visit? The patient might decide aside from the trial to change provider. And not to forget that among HCP and particularly providers - our egos are in the way, we compete on so many levels. is it patient centric? Nope, and that's the next rather hypocritical topic.... talking about patient centricity doesn't mean we live it. 
I am trying to establish a solid referring network for our research institute for 5 years now. I do not give up my hope finding the right 'partners'. So far most efforts evaporate due to the described fear above or the first question - what is in for me/us- what do you pay...... what translates into what method of payment do you offer, because we all know that this is illegal and seen as kick backs....
Those we are working with are true partners, and we feel good about giving patients access to clinical trials that can change lives.